Why is it not working properly in Unity alpha/beta versions?
Alpha and beta versions of Unity are not supported.
Would it be possible to remove the character editor if I prefer just to work in the inspector?
Yes, you can safely remove the "2D Customizable Characters/Character Editor" folder without affecting the inspector's customization functionality. Please note that the demo scripts, such as the character controller, are in the folder.
How do I make the Character Editor work in my game as a character creator?
This is primarily an art asset and not a tool. The Character Editor is made as an aid for creating predefined characters with the provided art, It was not intended to be changed or extended for in-game character creators. While it could be possible, It's instead recommended that you build your game character creator and use the API.
Why am I getting a lot of errors about "The type or namespace name 'InputAction' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly"?
If you have enabled the new input system in the project settings, you need to make sure you have also installed the Input System package from the package manager.
Can I use Sprite Atlas ?
Yes and it's recommended. Please note, as mentioned in the Unity Manual, that some Sprite Atlas settings might affect how sprites are displayed in UI